Revised 11/19/2017 after playtesting.


This project aims to playfully and personally answer the question: Is the future (in our lifetimes) scary?.

Through it, I reach deep into my brain to express some of my future fears. In the familiar form of a vending machine, I’d like to sell prescription kits for ailments that I fear now and into the future.

Current Progress

At the moment, I’m still refining the story for this project, mainly how I arrived at this line of questioning, how it relates to my hypochondria, and how best to get the message across.

Playtesting this was really telling:

Diagrams & Prototypes

alt alt alt alt alt alt alt


Week T-2:

Week T-1:

Week 0:

Bill of Materials

Unfortunately, still a lot of unknowns so this BOM is very much a work in progress!